Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Find Solace In The Emptiness

Go back to where you began to lose your mind. 

I await, and/as so does an old friend. 

Wishing you well


Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Still no Clues

I have been unable to find sunset.  I'm starting to think that it doesn't exist, and was just another means of those demonic voices to fuck with me.

I want to just try to end it all again, since I don't feel that I will ever find closure to this fucked up tale.  However, I know that if I do try again, those diabolical demons will prevent it.

Fuck it, I'll keep looking.

...-- ---... / --- -. . / --- ..-. / - .... . / -- --- ... - / -.-. --- -- -- --- -. / .-- --- .-. -.. ... / .. -. / - .... . / . -. --. .-.. .. ... .... / .-.. .- -. --. ..- .- --. .

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Even Death Cannot Free Me

Just moments before my slow, asphyxiating death, my salvation from this terrible prison, something happened. I have no idea what, but I suspect those diabolical voices in my head have some sort of corporeal form, able to manipulate a person's mind in more ways than simple voices. how smart you are 

I remember almost nothing from my former life, before my entrapment here.  I feel like I've said that before, yet I cannot remember what I've said recently.  The only thing I do remember is that there's this sunset character, the slayer of the last familiar element of this undying realm.

Fuck it, maybe if I seek out this new shade, I will find some sort of closure to this twisted, demonic story that has become my life.

this story will never end